Design Trend: Curves in the Kitchen

Rosemary Project / Photography: Camille Marie Studio /

One major design trend we’ve been seeing and using all year? Curved shapes that have been softening clean sharp lines. In the kitchen, we’ve been adding round shapes and curves throughout the space to create a room that is softer, full of character, and more interesting. Take a look!

Curved Island

Rosemary Project / Photography: Camille Marie Studio /

Curved Doorways

View Point Custom Project / Lyst Pros Photography

Curved Range Wall 

Simpatico Project / Photography: Camille Marie Studio
Pura Vida Project / Brynn Dimick Photography
Lamb Project / Photography: Drone your Homes

Curved Backsplash

Rosemary Project / Photography: Camille Marie Studio /

We love the way these curved shapes add a subtle softness to the space. It adds a bit of detail that makes the whole space feel more intentionally designed.

To shop these spaces, be sure to visit Becki Owens Living. And check back soon for more kitchen details and design trends.

Happy Monday!


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