Best Of After Christmas Sales!

Becki Owens Pura Home Scents
Our Pura Signature Home Scents For 10% Off! Use Code: BECKI10

Hi! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. I wanted to share with you some of our favorite picks from the big after Christmas sales. Now is a great time to find discount fashion and decor, including warm winter clothing and cozy pieces for your home. Just to name a few; check out Pottery Barn’s selection of fur throws on sale now, Anthropologie’s extra 40% off sale and these fun picks from Nordstrom’s Half-Yearly Sale (see below). Also, you can pick up my Signature Home Scents, including our two newest scents, on sale now for 10% off with code: BECKI10 at checkout. Create a staycation like feel in your home all winter with these fresh, amazing smelling scents.

Have fun shopping all the sales and have a great day!



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