Search Results for: rug

Why a Rug?

We are passionate about rugs. We have our own exclusive rug collections with Surya and Livabliss and believe that almost every space we design needs a rug. We add them outside and in, in most rooms in the house from the kitchen and living room to the bed and bathrooms. Today we are sharing five reasons why you too should  add rugs to the spaces your are designing in your own home!

What Rug Material is Best for your Home?

We always add a rug to almost every room we design.  A rug transforms the room with color, pattern, and texture. Plus, it adds a plush welcoming softness under foot. But what type of rug to choose? Wool for durability? An affordable jute? Today we are continuing our Rug Series by helping your chose the right rug material for your home.

Tuesday Tip: Picking the Right Size Rug for the Bedroom

We always add a rug to every bedroom we design, even if the space is already carpeted. A rug transforms the room with color, pattern, and texture. Plus, it adds a plush welcoming softness under foot. But a rug that is too small or too large can throw off the look and feel of a space. So today, continuing our Rug Size Rules Series, we're sharing tips to help you decide the rug size you need for your bedroom.

Rug Size Rules for the Living Room

We think a lot about rugs. Between trying many rugs for client spaces over the years, to designing our own rug collection with Surya, we've spent a lot of time experimenting with fibers, looks, and sizes. We want to pass along all our knowledge to you to help you find the best rug look for your home. Today we are starting with one of the most important rooms to ground with a rug and answering our most asked rug question, "How big should a living room rug be?"

Meet Our Kamey Rug Collection + 20% Off 2 Days Only!

Meet Our Kamey Rug Collection. Eight hand woven, farmhouse cottage style rugs made with with 100% naturally made materials. These neutral, clean designs layer easily into your existing spaces, giving them a warm, modern update while adding texture and warmth. We invite you to get to know the collection… KAMEY I Introduce a touch of